Posts in Relationships
Cats: The Good, The Bad, and the Unexpected (cats are never ugly)

Although most cats will get you up before you’re ready on the weekends, these two developed a habit of coming in during the middle of the night, banging the blinds against the window—I’m not kidding—and yowling when they wanted human attention. Aang has even resorted to leaping from the top of the eight-foot-tall bookcase onto my stomach when he really wants something.

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Let's talk about our changing bodies.

As a society, I think we’re getting better at openly discussing these things unapologetically, but I think it’s still important, maybe even more important, to shine a light on these personal experiences as we move through them. I’m in my mid-forties, which is almost like a second puberty. Just when I had my body figured out, it’s changing on me again.

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Seven Bullets for Forty-Five Years Around the Sun

This one is going to be shorter because it’s my birthday, the weather is decent so I’d like to get outside, and my best friend from New Orleans is flying in this afternoon. We’ve known each other for thirty-five years and haven’t seen each other since the Before Times. So, here are a few bullet points from the other side of forty-five.

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All Ships Rise: On asking for help.

Asking for help can be intimidating. There are three things I believe to be true:

  1. The first ‘yes’ generates confidence and makes it easier to go after the next one.

  2. People, as a rule, want to help where they can.

  3. When you get those yeses, reciprocate. There’s always something you can give back.

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