Things that are worth doing.

I almost didn’t post an entry this week for the first time in … four years?

Not because I’ve been expending a lot of creative energy lately, although that has definitely been happening. And not just because I was tapped for ideas. That happens just about every week. Ask the handful of people that I constantly pester on Thursdays. But because in addition to those things, I also had a headache for no reason and I’d just read an article about horrible things happening in Ukraine.

I don’t like writing about political/world events here very often. Mainly because I don’t feel like my voice adds much to the larger conversation going on, but also because I’m not often inspired to put a unique take on it and leave the reader with ‘something to get out of it’ which I try and do. So I thought, what’s the point?

Then I further thought, who even reads this anyway? Probably no one will notice, it’s fine. What’s the point of even writing it? As a matter of fact, what is the point of anything I ever write at all?

So, as you can see, I went down a bit of a spiral. No big deal, happens to all of us. Fortunately, I started doom scrolling (I know) and ran across a post shared by a friend. The original poster was celebrating their 68th birthday amid it all. I won’t be able to adequately paraphrase the entire post, but this person stated that the world is heartbreaking, but also beautiful. And taking the time to appreciate the sunset occasionally is good for the soul. You can’t fill the souls of others if yours is empty. And now, the things that are worth doing.

  1. Appreciating the sunrise and/or set. I’ve seen the sun rise or set for over four decades. It never gets old. Occasionally, when I’m out very early and see a striking sunrise alone on the running path. I’ll marvel at the fact that I’m the only one seeing this particular sunrise, at this moment, from this vantage point.

  2. Sit outside when the weather is nice. Without looking at your phone. Just being outside for a bit, watching the clouds or sitting in the sun, listening to the birds or the people go by, it never fails to give a temporary lift.

  3. Make a coffee date. I’ve never regretted one coffee date with a friend. No matter how hard it was to cram into the schedule. They’re always relaxed and full of warm drinks and things get talked out and mushed around and put into perspective. Big things and little. Sad and happy. It’s much easier with two.

That’s all for today. I’d love to hear your additions.