Growing Darkness
On the set of Growing Darkness with Sally Elting. Director Dan Harris. Courtesy Redleg Films.
Growing Darkness
Continuous shot on the set of Growing Darkness. Director Dan Harris. Camera Chris Murphy. Courtesy Redleg Films.
Growing Darkness
Behind the scenes on the set of Growing Darkness. In costume with Sally Elting and John Gray. Courtesy Redleg Films.
An Honest Life
Promotional poster for An Honest Life. Director Adam Orton. Columbia College Productions.
An Honest Life
Closeup on the set of An Honest Life. Columbia College Productions.
An Honest Life
On the set of An Honest Life with Rian Sheehy-Kelly and director Adam Orton. Courtesy Columbia College Productions.
An Honest Life
Scene still from An Honest Life with Rian Sheehy Kelly. Columbia College Productions.
An Honest Life
Still from An Honest Life. Director Adam Orton. Columbia College Productions.
An Honest Life
An interior shot in An Honest Life. Columbia College Productions.
An Honest Life
Exterior shot in An Honest Life. With Rian Sheehy Kelly. Columbia College Productions.
An Honest Life
Marker during an exterior shot in An Honest Life. Columbia College Productions.
An Honest Life
Waiting for a cue on the set of An Honest Life. Director Adam Orton. Columbia College Productions.
An Honest Life
Exterior scene with Rian Sheehy Kelly during An Honest Life. Columbia College Productions.
Paper Cut
On the set of Paper Cut. Columbia College Productions.
Paper Cut
On the set of Paper Cut with Yosh Hayashi. Director Adam Orton. Columbia College Productions.
Paper Cut
Story Board view on set of Paper Cut with Yosh Hayashi. Director Adam Orton. Columbia College Productions.