Possibly Accurate Statistic: 80% of hate is people angry about getting older

There’s a lot of unnecessary, but rampant hate going around for certain things. And I think that most of it is us just having tantrums about the fact that we’re not immortal. My exhibits:

  1. Candy Corn - There’s so much hate for candy corn! Why? There are so many other widely prevalent Halloween candies that are just as heinous. I asked my husband, he said, “You’re not wrong. I think it’s just one of those things that you really loved when you were a kid, but aren’t that great when you get old.” Yeah, because it’s just sugar and our aging bodies can’t handle it. We don’t eat that much sugar anymore, so when you toss a candy corn in your mouth it’s an affront. As it should be. Tantrum about getting old.

  2. Influencers - Yeah, there are some influencers that are an embarrassment to the rest of them, but there are sports players who are rapists, so. The thing is, social media is a form of entertainment. Just like sports, just like movies. Yeah, you’re going to get some assholes who made it to the top. Just like every other profession. Doesn’t mean that a lot of them aren’t talented and didn’t work hard. I think it’s a lot of people hating on it because it’s the next new form of entertainment and they don’t get it. (Aging tantrum.)

  3. People on their phones “all the time.” - Yes, there’s a time and a place. You shouldn’t be scrolling socials at the dinner table with your family or out on a date, but today our phone is our camera, it’s our calendar, it’s sometimes our supervisor. (I have a friend who sets a reminder to shut all her shit down so she goes to bed on time.) I get my news on my phone. I read (and sometimes write) books on my phone. My work is remote, if I have to leave my desk, I keep an eye on my phone for important chats or emails. You shouldn’t read a paper at the dinner table either. You shouldn’t read a book on a date. This is just the new medium. Tantrums about getting old.

  4. Crowd Sourcing, specifically for bachelorette getaways - This is a really easy one to hate on if you paid for your own wedding (like myself, I was an older bride) and had a modest bachelorette party. This was also me, my man of honor was… well, a heterosexual dude. I also didn’t want people to spend a shit ton of money on one night out. I also live in Nashville, bachelorette capital of the world. (And yes, I do hate on the ‘woo girls’ sometimes when they ride around in the back of the drunk trucks, but it’s mostly because they’re blocking traffic and I wish I could also be drinking.) But if you look at statistics, Millennials and Gen Z are struggling with more debt than any previous generation. If they wanna paint a hashtag on their window with their Venmo to try and get some cash for a night out, who cares? You don’t have to give them anything. I cut a lot of corners for my wedding and I regret nothing but I also had savings. I also had parents with a big yard and a mother-in-law who is incredible with a sewing machine who offered to make me my dress out of hers. Venue and dress, done. Not everyone is that lucky.

  5. Starbucks - Listen. I am not enamored with the pumpkin spice latte either. And we won’t get into how only one store is unionized. (At least there’s a start.) But the benefits they had, even when I was working there over twenty years ago were amazing. You could have someone living with you—they didn’t have to be married, all you had to prove was that they lived with you—on your insurance. I knew a lot of same sex couples and parents who weren’t married for which this was a life saver. Also, their shit is good. I’m never disappointed when I go to Starbucks (actually, where the hell has my almond croissant gone?) because I know what I’m going to get. It’s the first company I ever bought stock in. Why do we hate it? Because coffee is supposed to come from a drip on your counter? Or a diner? Or… McDonalds? Oh, because back in the day, coffee wasn’t that expensive. Well, perhaps that’s because their employees are insured. I’m good with that.

  6. Environmentalism/Sustainable energy - This is a simple case of people not wanting to change their habits for those coming after them. Every intelligent person knows it’s necessary. Unless you’re willfully denying it, you can see the climate changing. Storms, temperatures, it’s there. When I bring up the planet dying, I’ve heard, “I’ll be dead by then.” Okay. Tantrum about your mortality. Yes, we all are going to die, and it sucks. But you don’t know when. I could die tomorrow, as I drive to a friend’s wedding, having done everything I can to keep my body healthy and chugging. I’m not going to stop because of that. I’m not going to throw my trash in your yard because it’s now your problem. I don’t want to die. But I really don’t want to die being a burden.

  7. Woke/Cancel Culture - It’s really interesting to me that being ‘woke’ has become a bad term. It’s strange to me that people who are trying to understand what others are going through and who are trying to change, are being hated on. And yes, there are people that have a hard time reading their audience and go too hard, but would we hate on someone who was really trying hard to save people with cancer? Would we say, “It’s almost like they wish they had cancer?” Cancel culture is similar. It’s a new generation standing up and saying, “We won’t tolerate the shit that you went through.” And we’re mad because… they’re going to have it better? Tantrum because we aren’t young enough to have gone through our lives without the shit we went through.

  8. Young People - It’s so easy to hate “those kids” isn’t it? They’re so loud, so obnoxious. (unless we love them already, right? Family is okay.) They’re different. These other kids are into different things we don’t understand and have never heard of. What’s this TikSnapTokChatThing? I think it’s hard for some people to say, “I don’t know,” without also saying, “I don’t care.” And it is hard when you don’t have someone you trust to shepherd you through it. Especially with how fast technology has been growing. But people are still people. You don’t have to start a TikTok to let a young person tell you that there’s a lawyer that they follow who told them about their voting rights and now they’re registering. Information is different now. Connection is different now. If you don’t want to adapt to it, okay, but don’t begrudge the younger generation for growing up in the world you created. And before you jump on me, I’m well into my fifth decade here. I’ve had many of these tantrums. Let’s examine them before we act on them.

  9. Avocado Toast - Seriously, though, have you tried it?