Don't fight your phases

When I was young, up through high school, and into college to a degree, art was a big part of my life. I still enjoy letting it come out at random times, but I had to let it take a back seat when I entered my theatre ‘phase'.’

I think we’re moving away from the limiting belief that you must stick to one thing for your entire adult life. However, I do believe that there is something difficult about moving on from something—or someone, or someplace—that you’ve put a lot of yourself into. This gets easier with practice, as does everything. I also don’t think it’s terrible to allow yourself a mourning period for the ‘relationship’ you’re leaving behind. 

My interests are varied. I like to try a lot of things. I don’t want to wind up at the end of my life regretting something I didn’t do. If you’re into astrology, I’m a Pisces sun with a Gemini moon, so I basically have to be doing at least two things all the time to feel fulfilled. And I want to do all the things.

My garden has become a regular seasonal phase. Although some plants do winter over.

Goals are important to me. Doing things ‘well’ is important to me. Seeing through anything I’ve committed to is important to me. Because of this, I sometimes have a list of ‘should dos’ that I feel like I need to incorporate into my life consistently. Working out is one example. I like to run every day and lift weights three times a week. If I go on vacation, there has to be a fitness center available to me or I don’t feel like it’s a vacation for me. Other habits have come and gone. For a while I was biking every day. I no longer have to commute to work, so this is a habit that I’ve dropped. For a while, I tried to fit biking somewhere else in my day, but I’ve reconciled myself to the fact that this will be a weekend activity, unless I’m going to the dentist or anywhere else bikeable. It’s these kinds of habits that I used to beat myself up about.

Knitting is something I was obsessed with for a year or so. Now I pretty much pick it up during the winter. And that’s perfectly fine.

I went through a phase where I was listening to podcasts. Educational podcasts. Comedy podcasts. I just enjoyed podcasts. For the past few months, I’ve been in a music phase. I just wanna make playlists and listen to them. I love finding new songs. I like to take a walk after work and listen to my music. I listen to it while I’m working, while I’m doing my physical therapy, while I’m running, it’s all I want to hear. I don’t have room for podcasts right now.

And that’s okay.

I’m not ‘dumber’ because I prefer to bop around to music rather than listen to people talk. I’m also aware that this, too, shall pass away. So I’m letting myself enjoy it. I’m making playlists for everyone I know. I’m Spotify’s biggest fan of everyone. And it’s great. 

There was a time in my life when I would have felt guilty about this. I would have tried to force myself to listen to an educational podcast at least X times a week and put the music away. I would have put it on my to-do list to make sure I didn’t ‘just waste time’ listening to music. 

How annoying.

Writing is something I’ve always done, but it’s my current ‘main creative obsession.’ Even if the cats try and prevent me occasionally.

Yes, there are some habits that one should keep up with. (Working out would be one, although if I wanted to try a different type of workout, that would be fine.) There are days that I don’t feel like writing, but I have a goal and a project, and once make myself sit down and get started, I enjoy myself. That’s a different kind of ‘should do.’ I take a day off every now and again if I’m feeling especially surly, but I do enjoy it. It’s a muscle I want to continue to develop. If the day comes where I’m really and truly over it, I’ll know. I’ve been there enough with other things.

But for the most part, I believe we should let ourselves follow our passions as we’re able to. If you’re finding joy in something new, roll around in it until you’re good and covered. Why not? (Unless it’s something that’s going to destroy you, like cocaine addiction. Don’t roll around in cocaine.)

Life is too long to pigeonhole yourself and too short not to try all the things you want to try.

Meredith LyonsComment