Negative Thanksgiving 2020

Things I’m thankful for this year in no particular order.

  • The COVID test I took this morning was negative. I just have a chest cold. I haven’t had a cold in over four years, so I was freaking out when I couldn’t stop coughing. I also couldn’t understand how I could have gotten a cold when I’ve been so careful about sanitizing and masking. (This article explains it.)

  • The kittens. I still miss Jake and it hits me at odd moments. I do still occasionally cry about him. Aang and Cloud don’t replace Jake and are completely different personalities, but they fill our lives with so much joy. I love them so much that I miss them when I’m at work. 

  • A new job that will allow me to work from home and explore an industry that I am curious about. I start December 1st, part time, so I’ll be keeping the other jobs for now. It’s nice to have the security and at least one source of income where I don’t have to be out in public. It feels like a fresh start.

  • My family. Both near and far. I’m lucky in that everyone has been open to dialogue around changing our traditional holiday celebrations this year and still finding ways to enjoy the season with each other in mind. I lucked out with my biological family and my family by marriage. 

  • Monkey Bread. Brie. Crackers. Cranberry Cheese. Wine. Champagne. Fish. Shrimp. Homegrown tomatoes. Salad. 

  • Being at an age and a point in my life where I am comfortable enough with myself to allow a taste of whatever I like. Because it’s a holiday and I don’t have to ‘earn’ it or kill myself the next day exercising because I had too much bread. I can do a Turkey Trot for fun and have all the bread.

  • Warm weather. Although global warming is still terrifying, the unseasonable warm holiday gives me hope that some people who can’t resist large gatherings with loved ones will attempt to do them socially distanced out of doors. It’s almost like 2020 was giving us a tiny reprieve. I’m also not going to complain about being able to run outside in shorts and a tank top for as long as possible.

  • Sunrises and sunsets. No one is the same and I’m happy that I’m still able to find awe in the colors and serenity when I watch them.

  • Dean’s job. It’s given us security and health insurance during a year where everything has seemed shaky and untenable. It’s not his dream job, but I’m very thankful for it and the fact that he does it well.

  • Dean. Whenever I think back on any other relationship that I’ve had, I am immediately grateful that I waited for the right person to come into my life. It hasn’t all been easy, but I believe we’ve grown after pushing through each rough patch.

  • Friends. This has been a very isolated year for many of us. I’m grateful that I have a few friends who will reach out to me occasionally and see how I am. I feel like I’m normally the one who organizes FaceTime or Zoom hangouts or tries the random phone call. When I don’t have the energy to be the one that gets things started the silence is often depressing. So I am extremely thankful for those people who call or text on their own and make me feel like I’m still a part of someone’s group.

  • Technology. Yes, it’s sometimes frustrating, but it’s given me the ability to keep aspects of my business open and even grow it slightly. To learn new things and expand my skill set. And to keep in contact with the people I’m far away from.

  • A sound mind and body. I’m still able to learn new skills, create and make decisions. Like deciding to start physical therapy before my leg got worse and thus continuing to do everything that I enjoy doing and everything required by my job.

I could continue to add to this list indefinitely, I’m sure, but I’m going to enjoy my time with our family pod and my current negative status.